Lorenzo Crespo Silveira

Looks from Guantanamo, Cuba

While out on the streets in search for a picture of interest, photographers often suddenly perceive curious gazes that catch our attention and we capture the instant. These are the faces of some young Guantanamo residents taken during some of my wanderings. (12 photos)

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Traces of a Baby

The arrival of a baby to the family is sufficient cause for joy. Immediately, the small infants become the center of attention. (10 photos)

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Recreational Options for Young Cubans

While many young Cubans and not so young Cubans would say they don’t have recreational options, the following are some photos I took and would like to share with you of alternative places here in Guantanamo where youth come together in a different and pleasant environment… (21 photos)

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Selfies in Cuba

The selfie has become very fashionable today in Cuba. Photos of friends, with family, at school or at a party, in short, in infinite scenarios, and taken with a camera or mobile, are uploaded and shared all the time by those with the ability to do so. (14 photos)

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Uncomfortable Fishing: Cuba’s Brown Pelicans

Every time I see them fish, their way of flying and the way they plung-dive bill into the water once they attack their prey, little fish, always astonishes me. As if that wasn’t enough, this way of feeding themselves is often interrupted by other birds that try and take their food straight out of their bills. (14 photos)

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A Night with Guantanamo’s Danza Libre

Danza Libre (Free Dance) is one of the most prestigious dance companies in the province of Guantanamo. These pictures are from a celebration held in Cuba’s eastern most province for International Dance Day on the last night of April. (11 photos)

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Small Business Signs in Guantanamo

With advertising all but absent in Cuba, a small sign takes on even greater importance for the self-employed: those exercising one of the 181 limited activities authorized by the Cuban government, and others not approved. Here are some I came across walking around Guantanamo City. (13 photos)

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Fiesta Nights a la Guantanamera

Every weekend Guantanamo residents have the option of taking to the streets in search of some recreation. La Guantanamera Nights is the host party attracting people wanting to dance or enjoy some other activity. (19 photos)

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Cuba’s Tiny Actors

La edad de oro (“The Golden Age”) is an interesting magazine full of stories, essays and poetry for children, written in an easily accessible language by Jose Marti. After more than a century, it has retained its freshness and relevance. (13 photos)

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